Shockwave Therapy

At Nevada Spine and Disc, our highly experienced Chiropractors help our patients with a variety of ailments, using a wide range of treatment and therapy options. One of the therapies used to relieve the pain of chronic ailments without the need for injections or surgery is Shockwave Therapy (SWT). Not only do we see patients find relief from chronic conditions, but have prolonged relief, especially when combined with other treatments.

What is Shockwave Therapy?
Shockwave is an acoustic wave which carries high energy directly to painful spots and myoskeletal tissues experiencing any range of pain. These may be subacute, subchronic and chronic conditions. The energy used promotes regeneration and the reparation processes of the bones, tendons and other soft tissues. Acoustic waves generated by the Shockwave trigger biological effects which lead to faster and long-term healing and regeneration of the tissue. Shockwave therapy (SWT) covers a wide range of indications.
Long Term Pain Relief Using SWT
There are a number of different types of Shockwave Therapy (SWT) options to focus their benefits directly or in combination with other other therapies and treatments. At Nevada Spine and Disc, we have helped our patients achieve remarkable, long-term pain relief from chronic symptoms, without the need for surgery or injections.

Proven Results
Relieves Pain & Improves ROM
The use of Radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (RESWT) in the Treatment of Shoulder Calcific Tendonitis has relieved pain and broadened ROM in patients.
Pain Reduction by more than 60%
ERSWT, when used as a treatment for Chronic Plantar Faciitis, has had a reported pain reduction by 60 percent.
Proven Medical Effects of Shockwave Therapy (SWT)
Include Biological Mechanism of Musculoskeletal Shockwaves
Complete Elimination of Pain
Using Radial Shockwave Therapy (RSWT) in combination with High Intensity Laser Therapy some patients have reported a complete elimination in subacute pain.
Elimination of Calcifications in 84% of Cases
When SWT is used to treat Scapulohumeral Periarthritis with Calcific Teninitis in the Shoulder, over 80 percent of cases saw a complete elimination of calcifications, with completion of treatment plan.
Long-Term Relief Even 1 Year After Therapy
When using Low-Energy EST as a Treatment for Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome.
Decrease of Pain by 72.1%
In general, patients using a RWSWT treatment will see a decrease of pain over 70 percent. This is why this safe and effective therapy is so widely used.
Remarkable Release of Symptoms
Patients have reported a release in symptoms of pain associated with Chronic Pelvis Pain Syndrome (CPPS)
Combined Therapy Observed Significant Improvement
Treatment of Patients with Musculoskeletral System Disorders with Combined Therapy. RSWT and High Intesity Laser Combined
Good Results in 84% of the Patients
The effects of (ESWT) and Cryotherapy in Treating Patellar Tendinopathies in Professional Athletes.